Knitted torsion yarn, also called false twist, is the most commonly used yarn type in textile. The crimping process is made economical with false twist spindles by rotating at very high speed.

Thanks to the false twist texturing system in Uşak knitting torsion factories; twist is given, heat treatment is applied, unbend and folding process is performed.


What is Knitting Torsion Yarn?

Knitted torsion yarns, which are a type of yarn consisting of twisted fibers; It is used in traditional knitting techniques such as stockinette stitch and ribbing. Thread type; It is used to create fabric that is more elastic than other types of buttonholes.

It is especially ideal for use on items that need to be flexible, such as socks or hats. Similar to regular yarn, but twisting will make it stronger and more resistant to stretching.


How is Knitting Torsion Yarn Produced?

Knitting torsion yarns are types of yarn that can produce similar and interesting projects. It is not as common as other types of yarn, but there are different ways to produce knitted torsion yarn.

The spindle can be used during production.
For knitting yarn using a spindle, the thread is threaded on the spindle and the spindle is rotated so that the thread is tangled at the top.
The twisting process begins to form the yarn, which is very strong and flexible.
In addition, manufacturers of knitting torsion yarns perform these operations by using suitable twisting machines.


Benefits of Knitting Torsion Yarn

Knitted torsion yarn has several advantages that make it the popular choice for knitters.

It is very tangle resistant and makes it easy to keep your knitting organized.
Knitted yarn creates its own twist and the fabric it creates is more flexible than normal yarn.
It is a type of yarn that can create unique, interesting, textures and patterns in the final product. This makes it perfect for products that will be used frequently or exposed to harsh conditions.
Its increased durability, along with its ability to create unique textures and patterns, make knitted torsion yarn excellent. Therefore, knitting torsion yarn factories; Knitting yarn produces incredibly resistant to wear and tear.


How Much Are Knitting Torsion Yarn Prices?

Torque; It is the measure of the twisting force applied to something, and the knitted torsion yarn consists of twisted strands of fiber. The more twists per inch, the higher the price of the yarn.

Therefore, while determining the Uşak knitting torsion yarn prices; It is based on many factors such as the amount of twist in the yarn, its raw material, and its structure. The amount of twist in the rope affects its strength and how well it knits. More twists will make the yarn more durable.

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